At HIM we recognise the importance of working in close partnership with our families for the benefit of all our children. Teachers provide information on homework expectations, procedures and class routines. Letters are also sent out detailing information about special parents meetings, training and class visits.

Beyond the Books

The school endorses an ‘open door’ policy and parents are welcome to discuss any issues, problems or concerns with us at any time. In addition, the Headmistress or a senior member of staff is available to speak with you at any time. We are always happy to return phone-calls if parents are not able to come to school. Remember, if your child has a problem or is concerned about something important, we deal with it as soon as possible.
General ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions are also organized every year. At these meetings the team will share classroom routines and expectations with the parents. Later on in the term parents are invited to meet with their child’s class teacher individually to discuss their child’s progress and agree targets for learning. Parents are welcome to view their child’s work and look around the school.

Medical facilities

The School has a well equipped Wellness Centre, with a visiting doctor and a trained nurse. All cases of injury or illness receive medical attention. In addition, regular eye/dental and general health check-up records of all students are maintained. We have agreements with good hospitals to provide prompt attention in the event of medical emergencies.

Smart Classrooms

Our classrooms are spacious and well-ventilated with ample natural and artificial lighting. Ergonomically designed furniture, a combination of white boards, display boards, teaching aid displays and LCD projection equipment, facilitate the learning process. All class-rooms will be equipped with Interactive Smart Class Boards.

Extra Curricular Activities

Our students benefit from our exceptionally strong provision in Sport and the Arts, plus a wealth of extra-curricular activities.

Sporting Spirit

Our Sports System helps to incorporate a team spirit, encourage competition and recognise individual student achievement in its widest sense. The development of mind and body go hand-in-hand and therefore, sports are an integral part of our education. Students are encouraged to participate in various intra-school and inter-school tournaments.

Creative Inspirations

At the Academy we recognise that children of all ages have a deep well of creativity, and creative arts are a particular strength of the life at the school. Students will be given exposure in different types of art & craft, pottery, sculpture, textile, photography etc.


Jollang (III) Daath Village, Itanagar
Office Tel :
+918132886528 / +918259069043
Email : 
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