HIM International School is a Nursery to K12 school located in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The school is affiliated with the CBSE (Central Board of Senior Secondary Education).

HIM International strives to build and nurture a community of thinking, compassionate world citizens committed to living with responsibility, learning with enthusiasm and balancing a strong work ethos with a sense of play.

HIM International has always taken a keen interest in the well-being of children and supported them on various fronts. The HIMIS Scholarship Programme aims to award scholarships to exceptional, highly motivated and deserving students in the area of Academics. Such students must show great potential to further excel in their chosen disciplines, thereby bringing laurels to their parents and the school.

Scholarship offerings to students shall be strictly based on their Merit.

Scholarships are available to all students entering from Grades VI-XI and shall be awarded for a one-year academic period. Also, the scholarship admission seats are fixed on a first-come, first-served basis by the Management, and the scholarship committee will sanction the early applications. The scholarship committee will select three children from each class for the scholarship. This will be duly communicated to the parents and notified to our accounts department by our Admission team. All Scholarships granted are reviewed annually and based on the awardee’s continued performance.

*(Other boards will be considered on merit and recommendation by the committee)

Scholarships may be offered as one of the following three percentages of the annual composite school Tuition fee: 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.


The students who have shown a sustained level of outstanding academic achievement are eligible to apply. Students applying to a particular grade must meet the following ‘Minimum Eligibility Criterion’ in the previous grade:

Minimum Eligibility Criterion

Percentage of Marks obtained in Exam Tuition Fee waiver
(Average of Best 5 subjects)
97.5 – 100 % 100%
95.5 – 97.4 % 75%
90.5 – 95.4 % 50%
85.0 – 90.4% 25%


To sustain the consistency of performance and to motivate the students to achieve higher Grades in classes VI to XI. The scholarship can be renewed for the next academic year if the child maintains the above mentioned criterion based on the performance in the school-based Grades VI to XI examination adhering to the above criterion slab rate. (Terms & Conditions Apply)

*(Decision as per Scholarship Committee)